Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Paper Glider

I asked the morning breeze
“Touch my soul with your free spirit”
I asked the sun
“Loan me sun rays
For few days”
I asked the mountain
“Give me the key
to stability
Tell me the secret to remain on the ground
While touching the skies”
I asked the sky
am I limited by my own horizons
while you enjoy your endless expanse”

The breeze, the sun,
The mountain
The sky
Continued to play
The drama called ‘The Day’
Act one, scene two
A beautiful morning went by
Few questions

In the night however
Within confines of two sleeping eyes
The breeze, the sun,
The mountain
The sky
All came in
and said
“We didn’t know what to say
B’cause we didn’t know we have it
The free spirit
The shine
The stability
The limitlessness

If you say we trust you
But ask us not
If you know it
You must have it,
Search the pockets of crumpled white matter
Somewhere within you
You have it all

And choose not
Fetters or freedom
Darkness or light
Movement or stability
Limit or limitlessness
For they are not arch enemies
As you see them
They shared the same timeless, spaceless womb
Until the existence decided
‘Now is the time to exist’

And don’t be deluded by play fight
B’cause you might
find the fetters which liberate you
or freedom which binds you
the darkness which glows
or the glitter which makes you feel dark
the pulsation of the motionless
or movements which lead nowhere
the horizons that underscore your limitlessness
or the boundless which hides within bounds of matter”

Next morning
As the sun rose
Wind flowed
As the azure skies
Kissed the white mountain
I was there
Without a question
Without an answer
Without a choice

But it felt ungrateful to keep quiet
So I wrote “Thanks”
On a piece of paper
Made a small glider
And gifted it to naughty wind
Which eagerly carried it away

After a brief unstable flight
The glider gained height
And grace
At a moment it looked as its going to fly
Way beyond the glistening mountain top
Way beyond azure sky
Way beyond sun
but then
sun dazzled my eye
and I lost track of the glider
I don’t know where it went
Who claimed it
The breeze?
the sun?
the mountain?
or the sky?
Whoever did
deserved it

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