Monday, October 23, 2006


What does it take to get afraid? Imagine walking alone in a dense forest..A small mouse that scurries around in search for food, a stump of a fallen tree, any thing, a shadow of anything, a sound or lack of it, a sight or lack of it, is capable of raising a chilling sensation in your spine.

You aren’t afraid so much about the subject of your fear but you are afraid of fear, per se. Don’t try to reason it out. There have been tiger attacks here..Bullshit.. Don’t convince yourself that you fear is reasonable. Just be afraid and you would soon realize that its so silly.

Here you are..whistling a song so as not to focus on the fear which is gripping your mind..Your fear fueling the imagination and the imagination tricking your senses to see a ghostly shape, a frightful sound..

I’ve been around Jim Corbett park in the moonlit nights and I have seen that the fear is only animal that keep with you. All wild animals, in whatever small numbers they have been reduced to, keep a safe distance from humans. They know about you much before you come to know about their existence. And they won’t kill you for a meal because humans aren’t that tasty choice. Even if they are tasty they aren’t worth the risk…You never know when a bullet will come out shrieking.

I believe in rationality of wild animals which makes me take supposedly irrational decisions of roaming fearlessly in jungles. When I went out for the first time my family tried to convince me about the dangers in the wild but I didn’t pay heed. father asked “Till what time should we wait before sending a rescue party?” I said "4’o Clock..tomorrow evening". I bet he had a sleepless night. Me?? That was one of the best night I ever had!

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